Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kahama Animal Welfare Education Workshop Training

Humane Society International of United States of America and Tanzania Animals Protection Organization, will conduct 3 days workshop training which aims to train 40 kahama district primary school teachers and 5 journalists the Educational strategies to promote Donkey welfare Education in schools, Communities and media at Kahama District, Shinyanga Region, Western Tanzania from 21-23 August 2010

• Feeding your donkey - Kumlisha punda wako
• Preventing diseases in your donkey-Kuzuia magonjwa kwa punda wako
• Hoof care of your donkey-Kutunza kwato za punda wako
• Shelter your donkey-Makazi ya punda wako
• Training your donkey-Kumfunza punda wako
• Harnessing your donkey-Kumvisha lijamu punda wako
• Field Demonstration on Harnessing your Donkey
• Teaching humane education in schools

Although donkey are used in many countries, very few people ever receive training relating to donkey management and husbandry, donkey are seldom included in the syllabuses in schools, colleges or universities, few veterinarians, animal health assistant or agricultural extension workers have ever had training about donkey utilization. One reason for the lack of training and education relating to donkeys is the poor image of the donkey. In most of the world, donkeys are used by poor people with simple lifestyles, particularly in rural areas. They are not usually associated with education, advancement and urban development. The problem seems to be worsening and self –perpetuating, since national policies and educational curricula are determined by urban-based decision makers with little or no knowledge of donkeys.
In many countries there is no legislation to protect donkeys from being over-exploited. Even if there is the necessary legislation, this is seldom used by government official who have limited time, resources and motivation. Charitable animal-welfare organization tends to be based in urban areas, and concentrate their limited resources on treating the symptoms of exploitation. Prevention of mistreatment through education should be the aim of both government and charitable agencies. This will remain a huge task as long as donkeys are neglecting in national educational systems and suitable training materials are lacking.
Participants will have an opportunity to learn all issue facing Donkeys and discuss in details in way they will be able to delivered in schools, public and their communities, depending on environment and culture of Kahama District and Tanzania in general.

Empowering school teachers the knowledge of donkey welfare will result in increasing understanding the donkey welfare among schools children and applies direct to their animals. finally the mistreatment of Donkeys will diminished for some percentage
Humane education is the building block of a humane and ethically responsible society. When educators carry out this process using successfully tried and tested methods, what they do for learners is to: -

Help them to develop a personal understanding of ‘who they are’ – recognizing their own special skills, talents, abilities and fostering in them a sense of self-worth.

Help them to develop a deep feeling for animals, the environment and other people, based on empathy, understanding and respect.

Help them to develop their own personal beliefs and values, based on wisdom, justice, and compassion.

Foster a sense of responsibility that makes them want to affirm and to act upon their personal beliefs.

In essence, it sets learners upon a valuable life path, based on firm moral values.
With both parents away at work, the responsibility to raise learners into worthy citizens is falling more and more onto the already-burdened shoulders of our educators. The development of ethics and values in society is something we dare not ignore.
There is increasing crime and violence in society. We cannot solve violence with high fences and razor wire – and armed guards in our schools. These are just ‘sticking plaster’ remedies that provide no lasting solution. Humane education provides a proactive solution to curb this trend towards increased violence where it begins – in schools. It does this through a multi-pronged approach which is designed to develop learners into caring and responsible adults who understand the difference between right and wrong and shun violence and criminality. This is the only way to break this spiralling cycle of violence.

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